Résolutions 2024 pour un dressing responsable

To get 2024 off to a good start, we want to share advice and whisper ideas for good fashion resolutions. No more long lists that we never respect. What resolutions can have a positive impact on our lives and our environment? What if our first resolutions took place in our cupboards? It is time to rethink the way we consume and deconstruct our habits.
Choosing quality:
How to distinguish a good quality product from a poor quality product? The choice of the store already indicates the direction in terms of quality. Do not hesitate to choose local, ethics and above all know-how with Made In France production.
Be curious, don't hesitate to touch the products that interest you. “Try your hand” by learning to discern the differences in materials. Observe the details, the finishes, the seams, decipher the labels. By favoring natural materials, and learning to care for them correctly, you will have the pleasure of keeping your clothes for many years.
When shopping in store, do not hesitate to ask for additional information on products or brands. A good salesperson should be able to advise you effectively. Find out the origin of the materials, the place of manufacture, and check if the brand has an eco-label or an ethical certificate. Transparency on product quality and the creation process is a wise choice.
The spring cleaning :
Too many clothes sit at the bottom of our closets unworn. The very idea of ​​sorting, thinking of the pile of clothes piled up all year round, intimidates us, and we put off the big clean.
The solution ? Empty your cupboard at the start of each season. Invest in the task, and you will see the benefits. A less cluttered wardrobe with more suitable clothes. What to do with those turtlenecks and big scarves in summer? Store them in a garment bag and bring them out next season. For your favorite clothes that no longer fit, why not donate them to friends, family or a charity? Save space on your shelves and save time when choosing your outfit.
Who knows ? Perhaps you will discover some forgotten nuggets? You will be able to create new styles by reusing these old pieces.

Long-term savings:
Let's now address the taboo subject of cost, a delicate subject. Buying less but buying better means saying goodbye to fast fashion. When you invest in a quality product, the price reflects the know-how, the quality of the raw materials, and a fair remuneration for the manufacturer. Choosing sustainability over quantity is a real issue.
It is important to recognize that purchasing a product manufactured in France by experts differs considerably from a product manufactured in countries that favor low-cost production. This award represents a commitment to ethical values ​​and sustainability that transcends fleeting fashion trends. Consider your purchase as an investment in a timeless, sustainable and responsible wardrobe.
Price also plays a role in thinking before purchasing. The question becomes deeper: will the piece I am going to acquire last over time? Having invested, I will also take better care of it. This approach transforms our relationship with fashion.
By applying these rules throughout the year, you save money in the long term. Through this approach, learn to consume better and contribute to positive change in the fashion industry.
As 2024 looms, let's rethink our approach to clothing. Every little gesture counts.
May this new year mark the beginning of a more responsible wardrobe, where fashion meets sustainability. By making informed choices, we are shaping a future where elegance goes hand in hand with responsibility. Choosing quality over quantity is also a way to invest intelligently.
Making the decision that our wardrobe reflects our values: this is a resolution full of common sense!
December 20, 2023 — Catherine Mennad